Saturday 22 December 2007


Born to a mother who was hooked on heroin, living in a squat with an abusive step dad.

never enough food, school is a joke, mum goes into mental health hospital by the time the child is eight.

The child is abused mentally and physically by his step father...never told he is loved, worth anything, never given any hope.

After years of abuse the child, who is now a teenager and hooked on herion himself, takes revenge on his abuser as he tries to abuse for the last time...the knife goes in...although it doesn't kill him, it's enough to get the boy sent to jail for a few years...

By the time he's out, there's no where to one will employ him, no one will gift him shelter...he ends up at a shelter...

this is great..but remember there's years and years of rejection, hopelessness and abuse to work through...


Some people have asked me 'Why do you help out at the homeless shelter? People on the streets chose to be there, it's their fault, they're just drunks...etc'

I hope this explains how, many, many, many times it's simply someone who's been born into a very tricky situation like the boy above who literally has no hope.

If you see a homeless person on the street..i'm not even saying you have to give...but acknowledge them, smile at them, give them an encouraging or uplifting may not seem much but it's a case of you're a human, they're a human...equally so, you know?


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